Deal of the Week March 19

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deal-breck-real-estate-march.jpg2010 -- It's the year when real estate buyers are looking for a deal. And here's one in the Summit County Real Estate Market right on the Breckenridge Golf Course. It's a short sale. More than 4 thousand square foot of house on a half acre lot in the Highlands, is going for  $899,000. That's $200/sq. ft. and if sold, that will be the lowest sold price per square foot  low price of any property in the Highlands.

The current owners paid $1,225,000 for the property in 2003.  And the current assessed value is $1,333,789
according to the Summit County Assessors Office. The original list price was more than $1.5 million.

Vacant lots in the Highlands Golf Course subdivision are going for $250 to $350 thousand, which makes this list price look even more attractive.  The property looks out onto the golf course, has great views of the Ten Mile Range and nice interior features.  

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